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This clumsy teratoma is not an effective hunter and so has developed a (mostly) plant-based diet of the fruit they find rotting among the foliage of the forest floor. During the colder months where little fruit is available they tend to rely on the liquefied corpses fermenting in Lichen's chest cavity for nutrition. During their free time they like to make friends with the local fauna and roll around in soggy leaf litter. Unlike their larger sibling Lichen they are less malignant towards the cysts, and will guide the kinder cysts (Leech does not care what happens to the not-so-kind cysts) through the forest to keep them safe from the Lichen's skin-peeling habit.
The lumpy forms of this teratoma are tough like sandbags, making them very dangerous when they swing their limbs and body about wildly while defending themselves. A good wallop from this teratoma will break bones and crush skulls of even the toughest rivals.
Lichen and Leech emerged from the same teratoma mother, and have a close sibling bond.
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