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A large teratoma with skin texture resembling tree bark and fungi. Despite their face being stuck in a grumpy grimace, they are rather docile. They move about on all fours generally but will walk upright to look tall and bossy when encountering another teratoma. Their locomotion is slow and lumbering in a manner one would expect of an old tree if it had legs, however they can move with a quick burst of speed when necessary. The hunting gimmick of this teratoma is also rather slow, they lace grazing areas with a parasitic fungi growing in their skin and weeks later track down prey that have succumbed to the fungal infection. Lichen lacks a mouth and exhibits a digestion method not commonly seen among teratoma: corpses are placed into a gaping chest cavity, where they slowly liquefy into a digestible soup, similar to carnivorous plants. During digestion an aroma of death emerges from the chest cavity, occasionally attracting small creatures to their own demise. Lichen may sometimes try to stuff plants into the death-cavity to mask the odor, but that often results in small creatures exhibiting their nesting behaviors. Lichen usually gives up.
When not actively hunting they graft themselves to a tree, becoming a part of it. They learn what the tree knows, and with the network of fungi in the soil, they can learn from the neighboring trees as well. The web of fungi and roots throughout the forest soil gives Lichen eyes throughout the territory. Due to the close bond they have developed with the trees, Lichen has grown a morbid fascination with pealing the skin off of cysts. These cysts are small humanoids resembling root vegetables that have a habit for burning things, especially trees.
This teratoma's stillness during combat should not be mistaken for weakness. They tense-up their muscles to deliver a deadly kick when rivals get too close. Lichen can also shoot corpse-fluid from their chest cavity to create a rancid distraction. If a rival manages to latch onto Lichen they can peel off their own skin for a quick getaway, leaving behind a risk of fungal infection for their foe.
Lichen and Leech emerged from the same teratoma mother, and have a close sibling bond.
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