[ Petz Pals ]
[ Oddballz (Petz 4) ]
Oddballz breeds converted to Petz 4 by Carolyn.

[ Algae ]
Species: Catz
Breed(s): Grinnz (66.67%) Honker (33.33%)
Overwrites Used?: No
Generation: 2
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: None.

[ Bugz ]
Species: Catz
Breed(s): Zott (66.67%) Honker (33.33%)
Overwrites Used?: No
Generation: 2
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: None.

[ Gremlint ]
Species: Catz
Breed(s): Quadrapus (66.67%) MaineCoon (33.33%)
Overwrites Used?: No
Generation: 2
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: Likes to walk into walls.

[ Radio ]
Species: Catz
Breed(s): Norvil (66.67%) Honker (33.33%)
Overwrites Used?: No
Generation: 2
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: None.
[ Custom Petz ]

[ Gisbert ]
Species: Catz
Breed(s): Persian (100%)
Overwrites Used?: No
Generation: 1
Adopted From: Adoption Center
Bred By: NA
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: Based on a manticore character of mine. She's good friends with Luca and Bugz.

[ GlitterLegs ]
Species: Dogz
Breed(s): Scottie (100%)
Overwrites Used?: No
Generation: 1
Adopted From: Adoption Center
Bred By: NA
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: None.

[ Greenbean ]
Species: Dogz
Breed(s): Chihuahua (100%)
Overwrites Used?: No
Generation: 1
Adopted From: Adoption Center
Bred By: NA
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: None.

[ N Trance ]
Species: Dogz
Breed(s): Bulldog (66.67%) GreatDane (33.33%)
Overwrites Used?: Yes
Generation: 2
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: Replaced the LNZ data of a random dog from a breeding project, he is now an egg. N Trance is a character from the Crash Bandicoot games.
[ Catz ]

[ Luca ]
Species: Catz
Breed(s): OrangeShorthair (27.27%) Calico (27.27%) AlleyCat (18.18%) HoneyBear (18.18%) MaineCoon (9.09%)
Overwrites Used?: No
Generation: 4
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: A bit grumpy. Doesn't get along well with other petz, but has made good friends with Gisbert.

[ GingerSnap ]
Species: Catz
Breed(s): MaineCoon (26.67%) Calico (20.00%) OrangeShorthair (20.00%) AlleyCat (13.33%) HoneyBear (13.33%) ScottishFold (6.67%)
Overwrites Used?: Yes
Generation: 5
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: Yes
LNZ Modified By: Xzy
Notes: None.
[ Dogz ]

[ Anton ]
Species: Dogz
Breed(s): Dalmation (42.86%) Pug (28.57%) Labrador (14.29%) Bulldog (14.29%)
Overwrites Used?: Yes
Generation: 3
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: No
LNZ Modified By: NA
Notes: None.

[ Bryce ]
Species: Dogz
Breed(s): Labrador (42.86%) Dalmation (28.57%) Bulldog (14.29%) GreatDane (14.29%)
Overwrites Used?: Yes
Generation: 3
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: No
LNZ Modified By: NA
Notes: None.

[ Crash ]
Species: Dogz
Breed(s): Bulldog (35.14%) GreatDane (18.92%) Labrador (16.22%) Dalmation (16.22%) Pug (8.11%) Dachsund (5.41%)
Overwrites Used?: Yes
Generation: 9
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: No
LNZ Modified By: NA
Notes: None.

[ Mindy ]
Species: Dogz
Breed(s): Pug (28.57%) GreatDane (28.57%) Bulldog (28.57%) Dalmation (14.29%)
Overwrites Used?: Yes
Generation: 3
Adopted From: NA
Bred By: Xzy
LNZ Modified?: No
LNZ Modified By: NA
Notes: None.
[ Breed File Credits ]
My breed file collection includes files from the following authors/websites:
[ Acidtrip ]
[ Carolyn ]
[ Cargo ]
[ Gyiyg ]
[ Lida ]
[ Mazzew ]
[ Sue ]
[ Vickie ]