[ Commissions & Contact ]
[ Commission Prices ]
Prices are in USD.
[ 2D Commissions ]
...Digital Painting...
1:1 Portrait - starts @ $65
Half-Body - starts @ $90
Full-Body - starts @ $125
Starting price is for single low complexity character with low detail background.
...Page of Doodles...
Starts @ $35
8.5 x 5.5 inch page @ 300 dpi filled with as many doodles as I can fit onto the page.
Starting price is for 1 - 3 low complexity characters.
[ 3D Commissions ]
...Low-Poly 3D Model...
Starts @ $50
Starting price is for low complexity character with no alternate textures / geometry and a simple rig.
[ Character Design Commissions ]
...Creature Character Design...
Starts @ $100
Starting price is for 8.5 x 5.5 inch page of 6 flat-color sketches of finalized character design.
More artwork of final design can be added at 20% discount.
[ More information regarding commissions and how to contact me can be found at my Blogspot page. ]
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