Character Profile: Scab

[ Info ]
Species: Teratoma
Age: 29 (close to end-of-life age for a Teratoma)
Parasites: Assorted gut worms, mites.
- Does what they want, regardless of how it affects who and what is around them.
- Loves a fight. Greets strangers with antagonism confused for confidence.
- A rough life has rendered them uncomfortable with showing signs of supposed "weakness."
- Remembers negative life moments forever, easily forgets the positive ones.
- An ineffective hunter due to impatience and reckless behavior. Eats mostly insects and carrion.
- Finds large bodies of water to be mesmerizing and the worlds they hold to be even more so.
- Does not like Cysts, at all. Associates them with fire and destruction. If Tumor
isn't around to keep Scab calm during an encounter, then Cysts are snacks.
- The venom in their tail is only potent if they've recently eaten bees.
[ Artwork ]