Furcadia Dream and Patch Projects

Art Studio

My first large Dream project. Visuals inspired by early Windows software. The plan for it is to be a fun 'n' goofy hang-out space, with secret areas and easter eggs. It is also a space for me to experiment with DragonSpeak and prototype ideas for future dreams.

Dream Standard: Adults Only [ Clean ]

Dream URL:
Note: The Art Studio may not always be online.

[ Plans ]
- Multiple secret avatars -
- Various NPCs with quests -
- Minigames -

[ Secrets Checklist ]
A list of secrets that can be found in the dream so far, can you find them all?

- House in the Maze -
- Dinosaur Island -


Interactive elements available in the dream so far:
[ activities with an * reward points. ]

Easels*: Easels that can be interacted with if your avatar is holding a canvas or paint set.

Doodle Pad*: A 17 x 17 open area where players can paint tiles to create images. Access to the Doodle Pad costs 10 points, which adds a permanent Doodle Pass to the player's PhoenixSpeak inventory.

Fridges: Fridges stocked with various edible foods.

Dream Hall*: A space where players may upload and explore dreams. Access to the Dream Hall costs 1 cookie, which adds a permanent Dream Pass to the player's PhoenixSpeak inventory. The Dream Hall is not recommended for long-term dream hosting, it's best for testing dreams and temporary hosting.

Random Events*: As you explore the Art Studio, you may trigger a random event. Random events can reward (or take away!) points.

Points Shop and Inventory: Buy items from the Points Shop with the points you earn. You can keep the items you purchase safe by storing them in your inventory.

Collectibles*: In some areas of the dream special items will spawn that you can collect to earn points.

[ Retired Activities ]
Activities removed to make room for new things.

Sandbox*: An open area where players can place objects freely.


Here is a list of commands that allow you to interact with the dream in various ways. Anything that starts with ! is silent in the Art Studio, so do not worry about spamming the chatbox when using these commands.

[ Player Management ]
These commands are for managing various stats about your avatar.

[ !forgetme ] : Tells the dream to delete all of your PhoenixSpeak information, use at your own risk. You must have at least 15 points to use this command.

[ !items ] : View the items in your inventory.

[ !bag ] : Store a Points Shop item in your inventory.

[ !normal ] : Change into your regular Furcadian avatar. If you do not have an avatar pass, you will be prompted to purchase one for 15 points.

[ !alien ] : Change into the default Alien avatar.

[ !lump ] : Change into the Lump avatar.

[ Dream ]
These commands give information regarding the Art Studio.

[ !commands ] : Gives a list of commands.

[ !pointsguide ] : Learn how to earn points at the Art Studio.

[ !stats ] : Lists various stats for the Art Studio.

[ !credits ] : Lists credits for the assets used to create the Art Studio.

[ Warps ]
These commands allow you to travel quickly around the Art Studio.

[ !chatroom ] : Warp to the Chatroom.

[ !cafe ] : Warp to the Cafe.

[ !dreamhall ] : Warp to the Dream Hall.

[ !doodle ] : Warp to the Doodle Pad.

[ !home ] : Warp to the Landing Area.

[ !maze ] : Warp to the Maze.

[ !pic ] : Warp to a random Pictogram.

[ !shop ] : Warp to the Points Shop.

[ !exit ] : Exit the Art Studio.

[ Misc ]
These commands do various things.

[ !cookie ] : Take a cookie from the Art Studio's cookie vault (if any are available) if you have none yourself.

[ !donatecookie ] : Donate a cookie to the Art Studio and receive 20 points.


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