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[ February 5th, 2025 ]


The first month of the year has been rough. My health has been acting up again. The cat friend isn’t doing so well either, had to take her to the vet. She is struggling with thyroid complications. Neither of us are doing great, but we are doing our best.
Worked on quite a bit of art this month, but that is because of the stress.


Video games recently played:
- [ PC ] Ryzom : An MMORPG from the 2000s that was released as open source to preserve the game after the original developer experienced financial troubles. The game has lovely art direction, and its world populated by strange and silly creatures.

- [ PS1 ] Spyro the Dragon Trilogy : Spyro time to help reduce the stress.


I have completed the prologue for my Teratoma comic and it is now available to view at the [ Teratoma project webpage. ] I’m not 100% happy with it but I had to condense it due to my health and realizing that the painted visual style I was using wasn’t viable for comic making, it took way too long to complete pages despite being simplified. Though I think the prologue establishes the basics of what is happening in the world of Teratoma well enough, I just want to move on to the more interesting stuff. Also need to update Tumor’s character design and create the 3D model so I have reference to use.

Thinking I might make some art of the [ Magicians ] in between working on concepts and notes for Chapter 1 of the Teratoma comic. Now feels like a good time to draw some wizard shenanigans.

If you care about people affected by eugenics then please stop using eugenicist language when describing fascists and fascism. Call fascism what it is: fascism. Call a fascist what they are: a fascist. Do not use words like “psychotic”, “psychosis”, “schizo”, “weirdo”, “sociopath”, “psychopath”, “unwell” and other language associated with the state of someone’s mental and physical being when describing fascism, that is eugenicist language. Eugenics used against fascism is still eugenics. Eugenics is fascism. Fascism VS fascism goes nowhere. Describing kind and helpful behaviors as “normal” is also eugenicist. If you actually care about us who are affected by eugenics, then you need to unlearn eugenicist language right now. Or stop pretending that you care, because we aren’t falling for it.

I have seen a sharp rise in the use of eugenicist language among people who claim to be against such things over the past few years, and I am growing so very tired of this bullshit. If you want us to trust you then you need to put in the effort to actually care about people. Using eugenicist language normalizes eugenics, doesn’t matter who the target is. Unlearn that shit now.

I know unlearning unhelpful things is difficult, but if you don’t start now while eugenics is in full bloom, you probably won’t bother to unlearn it later and will continue contributing to the normalization of eugenics and what is happening now will continue to happen in the future. Nobody expects you to unlearn eugenicist language overnight, unlearning is a process, but you need to start now (and continue to work on it even when things start to seem okay.) Using eugenicist language is a shitty thing to do, but unlearning it and avoiding the use of eugenicist language shows that you care to do better.

We want eugenics to end, we don’t want it replaced with “eugenics that respects our pronouns, doesn’t call us slurs, and always remembers to add alt text”, we want eugenics to be gone forever. Eugenics is a hungry machine, it will prey upon any “imperfection” it sees until it starves, dying a pitiful lonely death, because there is no life left to prey upon, because life is inherently imperfect. Life is imperfection.

You can say how much you care about us all you want, but if your actions don’t back up all that talk then it’s pure insulting bullshit. We are not fodder for you to grind morality points, we are human beings, and we see right through that. Please, do better. If you don’t know how to do better, and actually want to do better: then ask for help, but do so with kindness, respect, and patience.

[ Yes, I am aware having these words in my journal is probably useless. And I’m sure that many of the people who “care” about what’s happening but continue to use eugenicist language know exactly what they’re doing and are being intentionally shitty people. I am venting, getting the grumpiness out or else I’ll explode or make art that’s too aggressive and will make me sad later. I don’t like making angy picture. :o( ...I don’t like writing grumpy words either, but I do prefer it over angy picture.
Also I should note that I am talking about eugenicist language used in actual discussions, not villains in fiction saying awful shit. Assholes in fictional storytelling should talk like assholes.
While it’s nice when fiction can be a pleasant escape from reality, it can be a valuable learning tool.
Censoring unpleasant things from fiction is generally not very helpful. We need to be able to explore these things to understand how they work, that is part of how we learn how to effectively fight back against such things. That is why there has been a big push for more censorship lately. ]

Okay, grumpy words over.

I think that is enough words for now, time to draw silly wizards and distract myself from the hell that surrounds me.

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