[ Backgrounds ]

[ Clip Art ]

[ Icons ]


[ Pixels ]

[ Regarding the use of my graphics ]
...If you decide to use any of my graphics, please use your own file host.
...These graphics are for non-commercial use only. Do not display them on webpages that
contain advertisements / promotions for services or products.
...Do not edit the graphics. Resizing and compressing the image files is fine though.
...If you display my graphics on your webpage, please credit me. Here are ways to credit me:
.....Have the image link back to my website: https://xzyolotl.neocities.org/
.....Have a credit and link to my website listed on the page the graphic is displayed on.
.....Have a credit and link to my website listed on a credits page that is easily
accessible from the page the graphic is displayed on.